Press Releases

Embedded World

SYSGO shows future-proof Migration Paths for System Software in Nuremberg

Open standards for electrical/electronic architectures are currently being promoted in almost all market segments. The AUTOSAR* initiative, for example, plans to present a standard at the end of 2006, and version IV of the OSGi standard** for networked applications has already been available since October 2005.

Standards simplify the management of the already increasingly complex electronic systems, preserve their flexibility and scalability and make the quality of the solutions easier to verify. Time-to-market, development and production costs are reduced. But migrating existing systems also costs time and money. In the worst case, source codes have to be completely translated into new languages. New, lengthy certification rounds become necessary. Despite the uncertainty as to whether the new standards will prevail, manufacturers cannot ignore the trend.

SYSGO, system software specialist for the embedded market, will show at embedded World 2006 how product manufacturers can overcome migration hurdles.

The key technology for future-proof and investment-protecting migrations is virtualization. SYSGO's real-time operating system PikeOS partitions the capacities of a processor and allows the parallel execution of different operating systems or applications. In this way, existing solutions can be easily combined with standard software. At the tradeshow, SYSGO will present practical scenarios that show how proprietary system software could be transferred to new platforms with only minimal adjustments.

You can also learn more about SYSGO's solutions at the following events:

  • Press conference, Knut Degen, CEO:
    "Deployment scenarios for PikeOS-Future-oriented basic platform for high-tech products", 15.02., 9:30-11:00 a.m., CCN West, room Madrid.
  • Lecture, Torsten Voegler, Product Manager Development Tools:
    "Revolutionary new and proven - how to combine standard-based software with legacy code", 15.02., 15:00-15:30, Session 10, Real-Time Operating Systems II, CCN West.

* Automotive Open System Architecture

** Open Services Gateway Initiative

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