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SYSGO and Kontron intensify Cooperation

Software support for Kontron's COMs extended with ELinOS v3.1.

SYSGO AG, provider of embedded Linux solutions, and Kontron Embedded Modules are intensifying the cooperation started in 2004. In future, developers of all kinds of device manufacturers will be able to use the new Linux development environment ELinOS v3.1 to program applications for Kontron's Computers-on-Modules DIMM-PC/lite with STPC-ELITE processors and ETX-P3T with Intel Celerons between 400 MHz and 1 GHz, without having to have precise knowledge of the internal relationships of the target systems. This saves the use of expert knowledge plus a lot of time and extends the already long range of boards supported by ELinOS. Up to now, these included the modules ETX-P3M, ETX-VE, ETX-MGX and X-board. Especially manufacturers who need Linux solutions for price-sensitive, high-volume applications benefit from the convenient interaction between the ELinOS development platform and Kontron's COMs (= Computer-on-Modules). Development bundles can be ordered directly from SYSGO.

"Our decision last year to include Kontron modules in the active board support of ELinOS, including hotline, has proven to be correct. Our visibility in the embedded world has already increased. Therefore, as announced, we are quickly expanding the support to include all relevant modules and boards from Kontron," Walter Großgarten, Partner Manager of SYSGO AG, explains the reasons why the cooperation with Kontron is being extended.

"For many manufacturers, our modules are the basis of their products. Therefore, we are always happy when complementary partners like SYSGO facilitate the development and design-in work for our modules. This pays off for our joint customers through more convenience and a shorter time-to-market. And thus we jointly benefit from a better positioning in the market," adds Zeljko Loncaric, Product Marketing for the ETX, ETXexpress, X-board and DIMM-PC computer-on-modules at Kontron AG.

ELinOS is an integrated development environment specifically designed for programming embedded solutions based on Linux. It covers all phases from the development of specific drivers to the realisation of the complete application software. With a complete toolbox - compiler, linker and debugger - support for appropriate boot strategies and easy-to-use graphical tools, the platform facilitates the work of system and device developers, thus saving valuable resources. For example, they select the supported board at the beginning of the software development and thus correctly define the basic configuration right away, so that it no longer has to be programmed by hand.

COMs are modules on which processors, suitable chipsets and I/Os are integrated into units with standard functionalities. Application-specific features, such as drives or the physical connectors that are executed, are located on a baseboard onto which the COM is plugged. The advantage: Customers buy standard PC functions off the shelf and can concentrate on their core competencies to develop differentiating functions for their systems and devices. The DIMM-PC and X-boards are among the smallest COMs in the world and have sub-check card format; ETX modules are used by OEMs when extensive PC functionality and high processor performance are required.

No other company in the embedded world has made more Computers-On-Modules into de-facto standards in recent years than Kontron AG. Still as JUMPtec, the company launched the first module standard DIMM-PC, followed shortly afterwards by ETX. Both standards are now recognised worldwide and are supported by many companies. The latest module standards are X-board and ETXexpress. Both impressively demonstrate that Kontron is the technology leader. Because the rest of the embedded world is following suit and is gradually announcing its own modules. The flagship ETXexpress, for example, is also supported by Intel, Radisys, Adlink and Advantech. This means that most global players in the COM market are in agreement and the user benefits from the competition.

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