Press Releases


Aonix and SYSGO Team with Industry Consortium to address Trusted Embedded Computing Issues

Aonix, the provider of the PERC® product line for embedded and real-time Java™ developers and SYSGO, a leading supplier of software solutions for the world’s most demanding safety and security applications, announced their collaboration in the Trusted Embedded Computing initiative. Aonix will provide the PERC Ultra virtual machine and its expertise in security and complex embedded systems and SYSGO will provide PikeOS MILS compliant and safe and secure virtualization expertise to the TECOM/FP7 project.

TECOM (Trusted Embedded Computing) is an Information Software Technology Project, which is co-financed by the European Commission under EU Framework Programme 7. The consortium of the TECOM project consists of 11 European partners from industry and academia including AMTEC, Aonix, Eads Defense & Security, Infineon, Mixed Mode, Sirrix, SYSGO, Technikon, Trango, Trusted Logic and the University of Dresden. This well balanced consortium will develop trusted computing solutions for embedded platforms, which means that TECOM especially ensures the security and safety of embedded computing systems and infrastructures.

Among various example applications which may benefit from TECOM concepts, Aonix will contribute the development of a Java application possibly dealing with trusted mobile banking or embedded medical device or trusted sensor modules like a home electricity/gas/water meter collector. The specific project and scope are yet to be determined.

“Aonix’s role in the European TECOM project dovetails well with the work we’re doing with several suppliers in the U.S. to address security issues facing most companies in todays unstable political and financially volatile environment”, said Gary Cato, director of marketing at Aonix. Many military and aerospace companies have been struggling with security of data and communications prompting new technologies and integration efforts such as Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS) and the TECOM project. Aonix is pleased that the PERC virtual machine technology is being squarely positioned to help meet the expectations of these initiatives.

“Safe and secure virtualization is the best way to deal with the diverse demands of data integrity and security while enabling cost reduction where applications are required to be scrutinized or certified to high levels of assurance”, said Jacques Brygier, marketing vice president at SYSGO. “Systems are seldom dedicated to only deal with secure data, even embedded platforms and PikeOS’ MILS-compliant virtualization technology can effectively allow secret or secure data to coexist with less secure data in a cost-effective way.”

About the PERC Family

PERC Ultra is a virtual machine and toolset expressly created for demanding embedded and real-time systems requiring J2SE™ support. PERC Ultra delivers the ease and efficiency of Java™ Standard Edition support without sacrificing integrity, performance, or real-time behavior. It offers Ahead-of-Time (AOT) and Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation, remote debug support, deterministic garbage collection, standard graphics and extended commercial RTOS support.

PERC Ultra has many competitive advantages that have made it the virtual machine of choice among mission-critical Java™ developers. PERC offers great flexibility to get the job done, with more execution modes, higher throughput, and better predictability than the nearest competitors. The PERC Ultra real-time garbage collection system is mature and proven through over a decade of use in critical applications worldwide, and the current PERC Ultra release supports versions of the Java™ JDK up to three versions more recent than competitive offerings.

About PikeOS

PikeOS is a ground-breaking product providing an embedded systems platform where multiple virtual machines can run simultaneously in a secure environment. This secure virtualization technology allows multiple operating system APIs to run independently and concurrently on one machine so that an ARINC 653 application runs together with Linux. The PikeOS safe and secure virtualization RTOS platform provides the widest range of operational guest operating system or run-time environment “personalities” on the market.

The PikeOS microkernel architecture allows it to be used in cost-sensitive, resource-constrained devices as well as large, complex systems. PikeOS is certifiable to the DO-178B standard and is also MILS-compliant.

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About Aonix

Aonix offers mission- and safety-critical solutions primarily to the military and aerospace, telecommunications and transportation industries. Aonix delivers the leading high-reliability, real-time embedded virtual machine solution for running Java™ programs deployed today and has the largest number of certified Ada applications at the highest level of criticality. Headquartered in San Diego, CA and Paris, France, Aonix operates sales offices throughout North America and Europe in addition to offering a network of international distributors. For more information, visit

Further information

Gary Cato
Aonix Director of Marketing
(858) 824-0284
Cell: (617) 957-6124

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