

SYSGO Newsletter


2021 / 03 - Autonomous Mobility Protection

​​​​​​​Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as the American GPS or the European GALILEO have become an integral part of our modern, networked and digitized world. These systems enable position determination with an accuracy of up to 10 meters and less. For more precise localization, these GNSS are expanded by Satellite-based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) that can improve the accuracy up to one meter and less. With the improvement of data accuracy, a wide field opens up in many industries in which mobile Safety and autonomous mobility is required.

We would like to introduce you to the SBAS Korea Augmentation Satellite System (KASS) and show you in our article how it works to improve existing positioning data, delivered by GNSS. KASS is powered by our hypervisor and real-time operating system PikeOS. See how it works, which areas of application benefit from it and how these systems are protected against cyber attacks.
Furthermore, we are proud to announce the new product family member PikeOS for MPU (Memory Protection Units), used by controllers. Now we offer our customers significantly more options in the selection of their hardware and, in particular, open up new fields of application in Space, Avionics and Automotive.

With kind regards,
Your SYSGO Team

PS: You can find use-value orientated videos on our YouTube channel such as our webcasts addressing Safety and Security challenges in your industry.

Highest Safety for Future-ready Avionics

Satellite-based Augmentation System KASS introduced in South Korea

Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) have made aviation safer. Most of the industrialised areas of the world use these systems nowadays, thus improving positioning data of GNSS. South Korea is now introducing its SBAS Korean Augmentation Satellite System (KASS) in which real-time operating system & hypervisor PikeOS plays a vital role for accuracy reasons.

Read the Professional Article

New: PikeOS for MPU

PikeOS is now available for microcontrollers with Memory Protection Unit (MPU) but without Memory Management Unit (MMU). This contributes to your freedom of choice by expanding the range of hardware that is capable of running a fully functional real-time operating system and hypervisor.

Go to the Product Page  |  Watch the Video

It's all about Security (in a Safety-driven World)

Secure Embedded Linux ELinOS

With the service release 7.0.2 of embedded Linux ELinOS you'll get an even more secure, reliable and fast Debian-based distribution for your target. ELinOS 7.0.2 brings you a huge set of new features you would expect from a major release! Among other features it has a strong security focus and comes with the security-enhanced Linux (SELinux) architecture. Additionally it brings Adress Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) while maintaining conformance to the guideline 'Configuration Recommendations of a GNU/linux System' of the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI).

ELinOS Blog Post  |  SELinux  |  How to activate ASLR

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