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SYSGO @ embedded world 2023

Events & Webcasts, PikeOS, Avionics & Defense, IoT, Safety, Security, Space

Under the motto Connected, Protected & Certifiable we have joint forces with our partners and customers to present demonstrators and Security solutions at the embedded world conference 2023 in Nuremberg.

As demonstrators, we showed

  • Windows on PikeOS on an x86 industrial PC, providing support for HW-virt and ready for Safety and Security certification
  • a Primary Flight Display on a NXP i.MX 8 SoC with strict Safety requirements (mixed criticality), ARINC 661-compliant and cockpit flight instrument graphics
  • and Real-Time Secure Gateway (by Thales) on a high-performance x86 SoC with secure information exchange and switching between different Security domains

Whether you are interested in Avionics, Railway, Automotive, or industrial applications - the embedded world is characterised by Security and autonomy. We know how to master highest Security requirements with PikeOS (RTOS & Hypervisor) and ELinOS (Embedded Linux)

Also get to know more about our latest achievement: PikeOS 5.1.3 Common Criteria EAL 5+ Certification Read the Press Release

Demonstrators / Presentation

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Windows® on PikeOS

Windows on PikeOS on an x86 industrial PC, providing support for HW-virt and ready for Safety and Security certification. The demonstrator's architecture is built out of several partitions - two partitions are dedicated to execute Windows 10 and Ubuntu as guest operating systems, another partition is executing a PikeOS Native application. The last application is executing additional software such as network, debugging and monitoring drivers.

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Primary Flight Display

We show how customers can easily scale from feature development to certification on their platform by using the PikeOS real-time operating system (RTOS) including hypervisor. The demo consist of 4 partitions: For low criticality, the GPU/DPU driver is used in one partition and Linux in another one. Here the eVTOL flight taxi video is generated and rendered on the tablet display. For the high criticality the GPU/DPU driver is running in a 3rd partition and the Presagis graphics in a 4th one, rendering the helicopter flight display application. The solution could be certifiable and could be used as an ARINC 661-compliant solution.

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Secure Real-Time Gateway

Jointly with Thales we show a secure Real-Time Gateway (RTG) with high-performance on x86 SoC for secure information exchange between different Security domains that provides reliable, guaranteed low latency and jitter, secure whitelist network filtering capabilities by switching and that is prepared for Cyber Security CC EAL5+ with PikeOS as real-time operating system and hypervisor with its strong partition separation of mixed critical applications.

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Common Criteria Certification for Real-Time Applications with IoT Gateways

To best secure IoT-connected systems in critical infrastructures, the highest Cybersecurity is required in addition to functional Safety. The leading standard is Common Criteria (CC), which is a worldwide recognized standard supported by many countries. Using compliance matrices, it is easy to achieve the levels of industry standards such as DO-356A/ED-203A, IEC 62443 or ISO/SAE 21434. The presentation introduces the CC model, explains its functional and assurance components and, using the example of a secure gateway, explains how to proceed during development, what to look out for and what value an EAL 5+ certified RTOS offers in such applications.