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How to bring up SYSGO’s PikeOS on a PolarFire® RISC-V SoC

Events & Webcasts, PikeOS
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Transforming Embedded Systems with SYSGO and Microchip

The global RISC-V ecosystem is expanding rapidly, especially in the US and China, with nearly four thousand members. This growth offers a diverse range of technology partners and ensures robust support and ongoing innovation. Free from proprietary lock-ins, companies can license from multiple vendors, granting greater design flexibility while maintaining software and ecosystem compatibility.

In our webcast with SYSGO and Microchip you learn how to set up and build SYSGO’s hard RTOS and Hypervisor, PikeOS, on the PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit, based on a RISC-V 64-bit SoC. PikeOS enables the creation of mixed-criticality systems, adhering to the highest safety and security standards. We’ll walk you through the board support package and demonstrate how the development environment facilitates installation and the creation of a simple demo project.

Why choose PikeOS?

SYSGO’s PikeOS offers numerous benefits, helping you achieve your company’s goals:

  • Re-use of Legacy Code: Safely integrate legacy code within a safety-critical environment, separated by the PikeOS hypervisor
  • Cost Efficiency: Utilize low-cost open-source code (drivers, connectivity, libraries) and Linux or Android in a safety-critical context
  • Guest OS Integration: Mix various guest OS like ARINC 653, POSIX, AUTOSAR, Linux and Windows in a certification context, supporting mixed criticality
  • Hardware Cost Savings: Consolidate multiple functions into one hardware platform, efficiently using modern multi-core processors
  • Certification Efficiency: Save time, effort, and costs with commercial off-the-shelf PikeOS certification kits and a MILS architecture
  • Long-term Support: Benefit from SYSGO’s long-term support and certification services, ensuring software longevity and reliability

More information at

Advantage of Microchip’s RISC-V Based FPGA SoCs with PikeOS

RISC-V is revolutionizing the IT industry with its open, powerful, and reliable architecture, ideal for driving digitization independently of expensive proprietary technology. SYSGO and Microchip have partnered to offer reliable IoT solutions that can be embedded in various industries. SYSGO has developed board support packages for Microchip's PolarFire SoC FPGA family, enhancing the market reach and capabilities of both companies.

Discover how SYSGO and Microchip are shaping the future of embedded systems with RISC-V to meet your safety, security, and performance needs.

Stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of embedded systems with SYSGO and Microchip.

Integrating PikeOS With Microchip’s RISC-V Based PolarFire SoC FPGA

This blog post reviews the RTOS developed by SYSGO GmbH, PikeOS, and the process for building and integrating an embedded system with PikeOS and Microchip's PolarFire SoC FPGAs.

Read more at Microchip's Blog