Professional Articles

  • Security Certification

    Zertifizierte Sicherheit - Ein Interview

    Etienne Butery, CEO von Sysgo: »Das für ein eingebettetes System erforderliche Sicherheitsniveau hängt in hohem Maße von der gesamten Sicherheitsarchitektur ab.«

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  • Common Criteria

    Why is Common Criteria Security Certification useful and what do the EAL Levels mean?

    Information security is one of the most important topics of our time. One thing is certain: There will always be attackers who try to exploit gaps in software to abuse it. We are currently experiencing a rapid increase in the number of cyberattacks. Malicious actors – generally professionalized criminals or state attackers – are out to obtain confidential information, gain access to systems in order to control them, or damage them to such an extent that they are no longer operational.

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  • Chip Virtualization

    Development on Bare Metal vs. RTOS

    When developing embedded systems that are to be real-time capable, one of the first and most important questions is whether the applications should run under a real-time operating system (RTOS) or whether a bare-metal solution should be developed. Bare-metal programming is generally understood to mean that an application is written directly on the hardware without using an external programming interface, i.e. an operating system. Applications access here directly hardware registers of…

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  • Industrial Automation

    Security Certification of IoT Devices with a Component-based Software Design

    Different types of IoT applications are subject to different security standards. Whether you want to meet the requirements of the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security (ISO 15408), IEC 62443 for Industrial Control Systems, EDSA (Embedded Device Security Analysis) or J3061 in the automotive sector: We will show you how you can quickly meet all necessary requirements with a component-based software design.

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  • Safety & Security

    Safety first? Security is just as important

    In many applications in the railways, aircraft or automotive industry the interaction between safety and security is of particular importance, since there are many dependencies between them and they can therefore no longer be considered separately.

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