Professional Articles

  • Automotive

    RTOS und Hypervisor als Basis für das SDV

    Die Anforderungen an das Software-Defined Vehicle sind vielfältig. Eine technische Basis eint die Anforderungen jedoch: ein modernes RTOS mit integriertem Hypervisor, in dem sich alle relevanten Komponenten abbilden, sicher miteinander vernetzen und kompatibel betreiben lassen.

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  • Chip Virtualization

    Integriertes RTOS- und Hypervisor-Ökosystem für MPU- und MMU-gestützte Prozessoren

    Hybride System-on-Chips integrieren zunehmend heterogene Prozessoren. Entwickler sehen sie jedoch als eine Komponente an, die sie möglichst integriert entwickeln wollen. Ein homogenes RTOS- und Hypervisor-Ökosystem für sowohl MPU- als auch MMU-gestützte Prozessoren bietet den entscheidenden Komfortgewinn.

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  • Safety Certification

    A Master Plan for all functional Safety Standards and Levels

    The certification of the functional safety of a system is complex. All the manufacturers involved have to contribute to comply with standards - from the hardware with its BSPs and drivers, through the hypervisor and operating system, to the application code of the OEM and third-party supplier. The operating system, which is optimized specifically for the hardware, and the hypervisor used in mixed-critical systems have a key function here - lying between the hardware and the application. If this…

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  • PikeOS for MPU

    Develop heterogeneous SoC homogeneously

    Hybrid system-on-chips increasingly integrate heterogeneous processors. However, developers see them as one component that they want to develop as integrated as possible. A homogeneous RTOS and hypervisor ecosystem for both MPU- and MMU-supported processors provides the critical convenience gain.

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  • Chip Virtualization

    Development on Bare Metal vs. RTOS

    When developing embedded systems that are to be real-time capable, one of the first and most important questions is whether the applications should run under a real-time operating system (RTOS) or whether a bare-metal solution should be developed. Bare-metal programming is generally understood to mean that an application is written directly on the hardware without using an external programming interface, i.e. an operating system. Applications access here directly hardware registers of…

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  • Automotive

    Browsing and Over-the-Air Updates peacefully united

    The electronic systems such as the anti-lock braking system inside a modern car are able to take control of critical systems such as the steering and braking gears. This significantly increases functional safety during vehicle operation, but at the same time also creates the risk of unauthorized access. Consequently, the functional safety of a vehicle must be supported by IT security measures. Real-time applications require deterministic response times, which can only be achieved with the help…

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  • Automotive

    Safety Certification of COTS-based Systems in Automotive Applications

    The ISO 26262 safety standard is a specialization of the general IEC 61508 functional safety standard and defines generic (software) applications and generic (hardware) products that can receive independent certification for automotive applications. When building a complex safety system, such commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products can be reused, including their existing certification artifacts. With this approach, safety-related electronics can be assembled from pre-certified software and…

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  • Security Certification

    Separation Kernel as a Basis for certifiable Applications and Systems

    Functional security and cybersecurity are among the most important issues in the development of modern vehicles, and the certification of individual systems will become increasingly important in the future. Developers must therefore increasingly work according to the "Safety & Security by Design" principle. Real-time operating systems based on a separation kernel enable new approaches.

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  • Safety & Security

    Safety first? Security is just as important

    In many applications in the railways, aircraft or automotive industry the interaction between safety and security is of particular importance, since there are many dependencies between them and they can therefore no longer be considered separately.

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  • Automotive

    Uniform Hardware Platforms for all Car Features

    The cost-effective and safe implementation of assistance systems and autonomous cars requires a new approach to development of the control components. The objective is to integrate diverse applications on one hardware platform, but - for safety reasons - to be able to continue operating them fully independently.

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  • Automotive

    Development and Certification significantly simplified

    Alongside electromobility, driver assistance systems and autonomous driving are currently the most important focal points in automotive development. Today, many functions in automobiles are already fully or partially automated; driver assistance systems such as distance warning systems, rear-view cameras or parking aids are finding their way into series production of even small and medium-sized vehicles. Fully autonomous cars, buses and even trucks are in test operation on public roads; the…

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  • Automotive

    Automotive Software innovates to connect, integrate and ensure functional Safety

    What steps led to the creation of a heterogeneous overall system that meets the functional safety requirements defined in ISO 26262?

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PikeOS RTOS & Hypervisor

RTOS & Hypervisor

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PikeOS for MPU

PikeOS for MPU

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ELinOS Embedded Linux

Embedded Linux

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