Professional Articles

  • Chip Virtualization

    Integriertes RTOS- und Hypervisor-Ökosystem für MPU- und MMU-gestützte Prozessoren

    Hybride System-on-Chips integrieren zunehmend heterogene Prozessoren. Entwickler sehen sie jedoch als eine Komponente an, die sie möglichst integriert entwickeln wollen. Ein homogenes RTOS- und Hypervisor-Ökosystem für sowohl MPU- als auch MMU-gestützte Prozessoren bietet den entscheidenden Komfortgewinn.

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  • Automotive

    Browsing and Over-the-Air Updates peacefully united

    The electronic systems such as the anti-lock braking system inside a modern car are able to take control of critical systems such as the steering and braking gears. This significantly increases functional safety during vehicle operation, but at the same time also creates the risk of unauthorized access. Consequently, the functional safety of a vehicle must be supported by IT security measures. Real-time applications require deterministic response times, which can only be achieved with the help…

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  • Industrial Automation

    Secure Factory Automation

    The continuing technological advancement that is enabling decreasing costs and greater compactness of devices make it possible to connect and control more physical elements in the industrial environment today. This is enabling industrial engineers to monitor processes with greater accuracy and drive OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). At the same time separate operational technology (OT) systems are merging with enterprise IT infrastructure. However, this greater connectivity also brings more…

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  • Multi-Core

    Real-Time Performance for Multi-Core Designs

    In Multi-Core-Systemen ist kaum vorhersagbar, wie sich die Kerne gegenseitig beeinflussen, wenn auf gemeinsame Ressourcen zugegriffen wird. Bisher wurde sicherheitshalber das gesamte System gesperrt, solange kritische Codesegmente ausgeführt werden. Aber das muss nicht sein, denn das geht auf Kosten des Echtzeitverhaltens.

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  • Automotive

    Uniform Hardware Platforms for all Car Features

    The cost-effective and safe implementation of assistance systems and autonomous cars requires a new approach to development of the control components. The objective is to integrate diverse applications on one hardware platform, but - for safety reasons - to be able to continue operating them fully independently.

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  • Automotive

    Automotive Software innovates to connect, integrate and ensure functional Safety

    What steps led to the creation of a heterogeneous overall system that meets the functional safety requirements defined in ISO 26262?

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PikeOS RTOS & Hypervisor

RTOS & Hypervisor

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PikeOS for MPU

PikeOS for MPU

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ELinOS Embedded Linux

Embedded Linux

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