
Certifiable RTOS & Hypervisor

  • Separation kernel-based hypervisor
  • Multiple and strictly separated partitions
  • Guest operating systems and applications
  • Compliant to the highest Safety & Security standards
  • Avionics & Space, Railway, Automotive, Industrial Automation and Medical

Real-Time Performance

PikeOS ensures predictable and reliable real-time performance, making it ideal for critical applications

Application Separation

Application Separation

PikeOS offers strict partitioning and strong separation to provide built-in Security by design

Hardware Consolidation

Hardware Consolidation

Extreme flexibility provides independence from suppliers in the choice of hardware architectures


Use of COTS

The benefit of using Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components is to lower overall costs for applications

Certification Kits

Certification Kits

SYSGO offers the right Safety & Security certification kits to help facing certification authorities


ITAR free

As European company, our products have no export restrictions enabling unrestricted global deployment

PikeOS RTOS & Hypervisor

PikeOS is a real-time operating system that offers a separation kernel-based hypervisor with multiple partitions for many other operating systems and applications.
It enables you to build devices for environments with strong demands for Safety and Security.

We continually enhance and update PikeOS to meet evolving technology and industry requirements.

PikeOS is available for x86, ARM v7 v8, SPARC/LEON v8, PowerPC and RISC-V.

Board Support Packages     End-of-Life (EOL)

PikeOS 5.1.3 Safety Certification

DO-178C DAL A, ECSS Cat. A, EN 50128 / 50657 SIL 4, 
ISO 26262-6 ASIL D, IEC 61508 SIL 3

PikeOS is available pre-certified by TÜV SÜD.

(higher certification levels on several architectures
are available on request)

PikeOS Separation Kernel v5.1.3

Common Criteria (CC) EAL 5+

PikeOS is available pre-certified by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik).


What's new with PikeOS 5.1

Have a look at the features and updates of our latest PikeOS version.

See the new Features


PikeOS Overview & Features

Safety Certification

PikeOS has been designed from ground-up to be certified according to major Safety standards for industries like Avionics, Space, Railway, Automotive or Industrial Automation.

Certification Kits   |   RTOS Safety

Security for Trusted Systems

PikeOS, with its separation kernel approach, is the top choice for systems requiring protection against Cybersecurity attacks and is widely used in IoT, edge systems, and critical communication infrastructures.

Security Overview

Virtualization & Real-Time

PikeOS uniquely combines virtualization and real-time technologies, enabling the consolidation of complex embedded circuit boards onto a single hardware platform, including support for new concepts like Big SoCs (Systems-on-a-Chip) with multiple processor cores. 

RTOS Virtualization

Several Hardware Architectures

PikeOS supports processors that come with a Memory Management Unit (MMU) as well as less complex SoCs (Systems-on-a-Chip) that contain a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) only.

PikeOS BSP List    |    PikeOS for MPU

Guest OSs, RTEs & APIs

On top of PikeOS we can have different partitions which can host entire (guest) operating systems allowing each partition to operate
independently from the others and with mixed criticality.

PikeOS supports various guest OSs, RTEs (Runtime Environments) and APIs (Application Programming Interface),
such as Linux, Android, ELinOS, Windows, POSIX, Ada, ARINC 653, PikeOS Native, and many more...

ELinOS Embedded Linux

Our ELinOS distribution offers the most straight forward integration into a PikeOS virtual machine as well as dedicated extensions to directly use enhanced PikeOS features. Linux operating system partitions are often used alongside a POSIX or ARINC 553 partition, setting up an overall system with mixed criticality. The PikeOS hypervisor technology ensures that a running Linux has no impact on the certification aspects of an API with a higher degree of criticality. Linux operating systems can be run in hardware as well as para-virtualized mode.


Supporting Intel hardware virtualization, PikeOS can seamlessly run an unmodified and fully functional Windows together with other guest operating systems on one single platform. For older systems, our solution can safeguard legacy assets while enabling interaction with more modern, secure Windows environments for communication purposes.


The POSIX API (Portable Operating System Interface) implements a subset of the PSE52 real-time controller system profile. It is a good choice for medium Safety-critical systems where a huge number of operating system services are required, but the use of Linux would still be too risky. It is often used for Automotive projects where ISO 26262 compliance is necessary. The POSIX API is the backbone of the AUTOSAR adaptive solution.

ARINC 653 (aka APEX)

The PikeOS ARINC 653 is built upon the PikeOS native API and provides a complete and fully functional APEX API target for Avionics systems, in particular with respect to Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA). The ARINC 653 guest operating system can be certified according to DO-178C DAL A.

PikeOS Native

The PikeOS native API is primarily designed to build para-virtualized guest operating systems. It provides a small but complete set of low-level system calls that are optimized for performance, robustness, Safety and Security. The PikeOS native API is also the first choice when it comes to software to be certified at the highest certification levels.

Your specific Project

We support you to implement and execute a variety of hosted operating systems, runtime environments and APIs on top of PikeOS.


CODEO for PikeOS

The Eclipse-based IDE CODEO supports system architects with graphical configuration tools, provides all the components software engineers need to develop embedded applications and includes comprehensive helpers.

CODEO for PikeOS     |     CODEO Product Page


Additional Products & Libraries

Certifiable IP Stack (CIP)

CIP is a UDP/IP networking stack compatible with the standard RFC specifications. It is available for the POSIX and PikeOS APIs and provides a standard socket interface. CIP is certifiable within the scope of Safety projects.

Certifiable File System (CFS)

The CFS is a PikeOS component that provides a fail-safe file system with more functionality than the PikeOS native file system. In addition to the basic file operations implemented by the internal PikeOS file providers, the CFS can also handle directories and file manipulations. It is still a simplified file system compared to standard Linux file systems and is certifiable within the scope of Safety projects.

Certifiable Math Library (CML)

The CML provides various mathematical functions of the C standard library. CML is certifiable within the scope of Safety projects.


"Avionic Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet" (ARINC 664 Part 7) is a deterministic aircraft data network bus system for Avionics systems. The network is based on standard IEEE802.3 Ethernet technology. SYSGO's implementation is software based and runs on COTS hardware.

Drivers for PikeOS as well as other embedded operating systems (e.g. LynxOS-178, ...) are available. All artefacts required to process a DO-178C certification are available. The currently available documents will cover a certification up to Level A.

The software stack can also be used stand-alone out of the context of an operating system, e.g. on switches.

Learn more


PikeOS for MPU

Real-Time Partitioning for MPU Architectures

PikeOS for MPU is aiming to provide a safe and secure execution environment for medium-sized hardware platforms which do not provide a memory management unit (MMU) and therefore cannot run the standard PikeOS.

PikeOS for MPU is intended to be used on MPU-based SoCs as well as on heterogeneous SoC implementing MMU and MPU clusters.

Ready for Security: PikeOS for MPU is ready as secure Space RTOS.

Go to Poduct Page


Partner Technology Alliances

The SYSGO Technology Alliance invites companies which offer supplementary goods and services to give clients a secure route to cutting-edge present and future technology.

See the Alliances Overview

Technology Add-ons

Rust Programming Language

By incorporating Embedded Rust into PikeOS, SYSGO is able to offer its customers a highly secure and reliable solution for their embedded systems.

MATLAB® Simulink®

MATLAB's powerful modelling software Simulink by MathWorks is suitable for quickly creating technical-physical and financial mathematical models in various engineering fields. It is integrated as extension with the PikeOS RTOS & Hypervisor.

Longterm Support

Professional Support

We provide two types of product support: The Standard Support covers the basic questions on the product use (installation, tools usage etc.) via E-Mail. The Premium Support offers more customer-specific help with direct contact to a dedicated support engineer.

Software Secure Update

Life Cycle Updates

Customers can benefit from ongoing improvements by accessing the SYSGO customer portal, where the latest updates of target binaries, new Board Support Packages, and add-ons are available.

Training & Consulting

Training & Consulting

We want to make building your target devices as convenient as possible. However, SYSGO’s guided trainings boost the skills of your embedded developer team and maximizes the output – for efficient teams that love to develop for embedded devices.

More Customer Benefits


Multi-Core & Fine-Granular Locking

Quicker and more deterministic multi-core handling via fine-granular locking on kernel-specific threads



More flexibility via a broad support of architectures and guest OS types


Safety & Security Bulletins / Patches

Step by step we enlarge Security add-on technologies, such as TSL, SSL or encryption libraries to help making systems more secure


Avionics Customers

Benefit from best-in-class ARINC 653, Part 1 + Part 2 and ARINC 664


Embedded Linux

Wide support of Linux open source, via SYSGO’s own Linux distribution ELinOS or vendor-specific or Yocto kernels


PikeOS native API

Enhanced PikeOS native API allows migration from software running on proprietary operating systems as well as usage of open-source projects


ITAR free

Our products are not subject to U.S. ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations), reducing export restrictions and simplifying global deployment


Trainings & Support

User-oriented consulting to combine your acquired PikeOS and tools knowledge with your actual project requirements

Need more Information?

Tell us about your project and your needs.

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