Press Releases


SYSGO offers Trainings for Embedded Linux

Especially for programmers who are looking for an introduction to the development of embedded systems under Linux, SYSGO will offer training courses from September this year.

The series of events will cover programme development and system programming under Linux as well as the special requirements for the development of embedded Linux systems.

The basic seminar "Program Development under Linux" is aimed at experienced developers who have previously worked with other operating systems.

Building on this, the "System Programming" imparts knowledge about system-related application development under Linux. The seminar "Embedded System Development" also imparts the special knowledge needed to develop embedded systems under Linux and introduces the integrated development tools of the embedded distribution ELinOS.

Both seminars will be offered from September in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Ulm and Munich. Further information is available from SYSGO at 06136/99480.

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