Press Releases


Rheinmetall places Million-Volume Order at SYSGO

Rheinmetall Defence Electronics (RDE) transfers delivery and certification of the basis software for cargo compartment electronics of Airbus A400 M to SYSGO. Besides the delivery of the operating system the volume of the order includes especially the design of software and documents for the certification of the so-called Loadmaster Control system according to standard DO-178B for safety critical applications.

The military cargo airplane Airbus A400 M has been ordered by several European states at EADS and will be equiped with a Loadmaster Control System by RDE, which has to be certified according to DO-178B.

According to this standard requirements must be exactly defined, the design of the operating system as well as the software must be extensively documented and the funcitionality must be tested in detail, befor it can be presented to the related aerospace authorities.

„We have already gathered experiences with DO-178B in similar projects and with this order we inherit all tasks in the forefront of certification of the basis software.” explains Detlev Schaadt, Development Leader of SYSGO. “We deliver not only the product but also assist RDE with more than 10 man years engineering services during the development.”

From 2009 the freight aeroplane developed by Airbus Military should replace the Transall of the Federal Armed Forces (first delivery to the German Airforce in 2010).

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