Press Releases


Etienne Butery is the new CEO of SYSGO

SYSGO has appointed Etienne Butery as its new CEO. Etienne joins SYSGO from Sapura Thales Electronics, where he was Managing Director responsible for all operations of the telecommunications specialist for the past 7 years. Prior to that, he was Department Manager at Thales Communication, responsible for the development and implementation of security solutions for IT systems in various industries, including defence, public services and financial services.

"Today, safety-critical embedded applications are increasingly communicating with the outside world and sharing a platform with less critical and less secure applications as part of hardware consolidation," said Etienne Butery. "SYSGO's PikeOS offers an outstanding technological platform for such environments that ensures application security and also greatly simplifies certification. I look forward to the task of anchoring this platform even more firmly in all relevant markets together with the SYSGO team."

Etienne Butery replaces SYSGO co-founder Knut Degen, who, as managing director of the recently founded joint venture with Vector Informatik, intends to further advance the positioning of SYSGO's real-time operating system PikeOS in the automotive market.

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