Press Releases


Automatic Test Generation for Automotive Applications based on OSEK

ATTOL Testware announces the first availability of its ATTOL SystemTest Integration and testing tool with LEO, the OSEK development environment from SYSGO Real-Time Solutions GmbH.

OSEK is the evolving standard for software running on Electronic Control Units (“ECU”) in cars. SYSGO’s LEO provides a seamless development tool chain for OSEK applications: While LEO/posix provides a “Virtual ECU” under Linux and LynxOS® for Rapid System Prototyping, LEO/p4 runs on the ECU itself. As the OSEK part is exactly the same in both versions, the code generated and tested in the prototyping phase only needs to be recompiled for the microkernel version running on the target. The message-based microkernel technology also provides an easy distribution of tasks over multiple platforms. This particular architecture fits exactly into ATTOL SystemTest capabilities, the integration and testing tool from ATTOL Testware.

ATTOL SystemTest indeed provides an easy-to-use solution for testing applications that communicate by messages like OSEK applications. The main features of the tool include:

  • automatic identification of message data structure
  • description of simulated and tested message flows
  • portable simulators (PC/NT, Unix, onboard real-time Systems etc.)
  • load test description
  • test environment configuration
  • automatic test report production.

Using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), ATTOL SystemTest provides generic mechanisms that are crucial when building an integration platform at various stages of the life cycle.

Using the product rules out the need to develop specific simulators that are often costly and difficult to maintain. Its sheer power, ease of use and flexibility make ATTOL SystemTest a tool of choice for distributed systems developers.

ATTOL SystemTest for OSEK will be shipping as of December 1999 for various host environment such as Windows NT, SunOS and Solaris, Linux and LynxOS® platforms.

Other products from ATTOL Testware

In addition to ATTOL SystemTest, ATTOL Testware markets two other products: ATTOL UniTest and ATTOL Coverage.

ATTOL UniTest automates unit testing for software components written in C, C++ and Ada. ATTOL UniTest analyses the components and automatically identifies significant data. It helps to define tests in a more structured way and automates the entire testing process from test plan and program generation through execution to report production,

ATTOL Coverage is an easy-to-use tool that helps engineers to develop tests and measure
their effectiveness on applications written in C, C++ and Ada. It provides quick viewing ability for source code not yet covered. ATTOL Coverage is a stand-alone tool but can also be used with ATTOL UniTest and ATTOL SystemTest.

ATTOL Testware products are available on various host environments: PC (Windows 3.1,
95 and NT) and UNIX. They support over 100 cross environments: AMC, Aonix, Ashling,
BS0, Cosmic, Diabdata, HP64700, Keil, Lauterbach, LynxOS, Microtec (XRAY, VRTX...), NEC, Texas, TLD, Wind River (Tornado, VxWorks etc.).

ATTOL Testware

Based in Labège, a high-tech estate in Toulouse, ATTOL Testware was incorporated in 1997 with more than 8 years of experience in software testing business. Already a national leader in high-tech software testing, ATTOL Testware is now experiencing extensive growth on the international market. ATTOL Testware is a subsidiary of Atos, one of the leading software engineering companies in Europe. With more than 10 000 people spread over eleven European countries, Atos generates 6 280 millions French Francs revenue from which more than 30 % is done outside  France.

SYSGO Real-Time Solutions GmbH

SYSGO Real Time Solutions GmbH started business in 1991 and is privately held by the 4 founders. The company is focused on the development and implementation of system software for embedded systems (operating systems, Board Support Packages, Device Drivers, Firmware etc..). Their customers are OEMs like Siemens, DaimlerChrysler or Philips, and RTOS vendors like Integrated Systems or Lynx. As a result of their activities in the Automotive field, the LEO environment was developed. Being an active member of the OSEK committee and a workgroup leader in the European “AutoGo” project, SYSGO RTS GmbH is at the edge of the development of a software standard for the Automotive industry. Besides that SYSGO RTS GmbH  is exclusive distributor for the LynxOS® real-time operating system in Central Europe since 1992.

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