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aicas and SYSGO enter into Partnership

aicas, the leading manufacturer of Java technology for critical real-time systems, and SYSGO, a global provider of highly reliable device software, have announced the availability of aicas JamaicaVM for PikeOS. This is the first result of a strategic collaboration between the two companies. aicas and SYSGO will coordinate their future research efforts to improve operating system support for Java.

Both aicas and SYSGO specialize in high-reliability software for critical systems. Therefore, the partnership focuses primarily on the areas of aerospace, defence, industrial automation and medical systems. Both companies will be decisively strengthened by the partnership.

JamaicaVM, the revolutionary real-time Java Virtual Machine (JVM) from aicas, guarantees upper time bounds for all primitive Java operations and thus fulfils even the most difficult and important requirement for hard real-time systems. It is the only JVM with efficient, reliable and hard real-time memory management. JamaicaVM is guaranteed to recognize all memory trash present in the system, i.e. the Gabage Collector works accurately. This prevents memory holes and fragmentation, which are the cause of many serious errors in embedded applications. JamaicaVM is small, highly efficient and with its performance guarantees an ideal development environment for critical applications.

PikeOS and ELinOS are two of SYSGO's main products. ELinOS is a Linux distribution for embedded systems and PikeOS is a powerful and efficient real-time paravirtualisation operating system based on a separate microkernel. It supports heterogeneous software architectures that may contain multiple additional operating systems and runtime environments, such as Java, ARINC 653, VxWorks and POSIX. With its support for multiple operating systems and runtime environments, PikeOS allows a combination of legacy software and new software to run together on one CPU. The PikeOS partition system, in conjunction with its internal protection mechanism, provides the highest level of protection and security possible.

"We are very pleased to be able to work with aicas - as a reseller of their products as well as a co-developer of new crucial technologies," says Knut Degen, SYSGO's CEO. "aicas' focus on reliability and their support of critical systems fits perfectly with our own approach and will undoubtedly bring many benefits to us and our customers in the future."

"SYSGO's PikeOS microkernel is an ideal operating system for safety-critical applications where the JamaicaVM is often used," said Andy Walter, aica's COO. "PikeOS provides a new level of security that complements the strength of our JamaicaVM in this important area."

JamaicaVM for ELinOS and PikeOS is available through both companies' distribution channels.

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About JamaicaVM

JamaicaVM is a Java implementation for deeply embedded and time critical systems. JamaicaVM is based on an advanced realtime memory management technology (garbage collection) enabling the use of Java technology even for time and safety critical applications. Tools, such as the Jamaica Compiler and Builder, optimize the runtime performance and memory demand and provide for the analysis of the realtime behavior of Java applications.

About aicas GmbH

aicas provides Java technology for realtime and safety critical embedded applications. The realtime Java implementation JamaicaVM uses the most advanced runtime system technology to combine deterministic execution with highest runtime performance. The JamaicaVM is an ideal development environment for demanding applications in areas such as industrial automation, aerospace, military, and telecommunication. Founded in 2001, aicas is spin off of the FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik and the University of Karlsruhe. The company is headquatered in Karlsruhe, Germany. 


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