

SYSGO Newsletter


2023 / 06 - Safety AND Security first

The field of Security and cyber attacks is ever-evolving. Advanced methods for emerging threats need to be taken to defend systems and data against malicious actors. From robust authentication methods to proactive monitoring and incident response: We provide valuable insights to help you safeguard your digital assets.

Additionally, we touch upon the convergence of safety-critical systems and digital technologies. Discover how to navigate the complex landscape of safety-critical applications, minimizing risks and adhering to stringent safety standards to ensure the reliable and secure operation of critical systems.

Let's build a strong foundation of security and safety in the digital world.

Stay secure, safe, and connected!
Your SYSGO Team

PikeOS nominated for Electronics Industry Awards 2023

We are honored that PikeOS has been nominated for the Electronics Industry Awards 2023. Find out more and vote for us!

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Real-Time Operating System PikeOS based on Intel's Atom Processors

In collaboration with Intel, we have developed a cutting-edge solution based on the powerful Intel x6000FE series Atom processors. This solution empowers end users to seamlessly integrate real-time safety-critical workloads with more advanced applications, all on a single platform. The key to this achievement lies in leveraging Intel's chip-integrated functional safety features, ensuring the highest level of reliability and security.

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New Safety Certifications for PikeOS 5.1.3

SYSGO's real-time operating system and hypervisor PikeOS has again reached the highest levels of rail and industrial safety standards. PikeOS version 5.1.3 is now officially certified by TÜV Süd Rail at the levels SIL 4 of EN 50128 and EN 50657 (rail) and the highest level SIL 3 of IEC 61508 (industrial) for the ARMv8 architecture. The certifications include hardware virtualization, which enables hypervisor functionality and allows guest operating systems such as Linux and Android to run on ARMv8.

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S²OPC now operates with PikeOS for even greater Security

With cybersecurity becoming one of the most critical challenges of Industry 4.0, S²OPC — the safe and secure implementation of OPC UA — now offers even more secure features thanks to its integration with PikeOS.

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Why is Common Criteria Security Certification useful and what do the EAL Levels mean?

Information security is one of the most important topics of our time. One thing is certain: There will always be attackers who try to exploit gaps in software to abuse them. We are currently experiencing a rapid increase in the number of cyberattacks. Malicious actors – generally professional criminals or state attackers – are out to obtain confidential information, gain access to systems in order to control them, or damage them to such an extent that they are no longer operational.

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The Journey from Software Safety to Safety AND Security

In this video, we talk about the journey from simple software Safety to Safety AND Security requirements for more and more industries and applications. We will give deeper insights into the role of Common Criteria and how SYSGO's products can be a solid base solution for future challenges.

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UAVs and Drones: Real-Time Solutions for Crisis Response Operations

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and drones are becoming increasingly essential tools for crisis management operations in challenging regions. Their ability to quickly survey the situation and gather crucial data in real-time provides decision makers with the information they need to respond effectively to emergencies.

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ELinOS Embedded Linux

Our Linux distribution ELinOS has been designed to allow developers to save time and effort by helping them to focus on their application.

Free ELinOS Test Version Download

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ELinOS Project Download

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