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SYSGO at ECRTS 2024: Real-Time Cloud Systems and Safety-Critical Applications

Events & Webcasts, IoT, R&T Projects

On July 9, 2024, we had the privilege of delivering the keynote speech at RTCloud2024, part of the 36th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS) in Lille, France. We want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Gerhard Fohler, Professor at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Gautam Gala, Ph.D., and the entire conference organizing team for inviting us to this prestigious event.

Keynote Highlights

Exploring Real-Time Cloud Challenges

In our presentation, we addressed the evolving landscape of real-time cloud computing, focusing on the challenges and opportunities we face as we strive to achieve deterministic behavior in Cloud and Edge computing environments. This included tackling latency, Security, and reliability concerns - critical aspects for real-time and Safety-critical applications.

PikeOS: The Backbone of Safety-Critical Systems

We showcased some of the latest architectural implementations, emphasizing our flagship product, PikeOS - a real-time operating system and hypervisor. PikeOS is designed to provide a safe, secure, and smart gateway, making it ideal for applications requiring high levels of Safety and Security.

Collaborative Panel Discussion

Following the keynote, we participated in a joint panel discussion alongside esteemed colleagues from both industry and academia. We delved into various aspects of real-time systems and cloud computing, including an intriguing conversation about the integration of Cloud technology into Space applications.

A special thanks to Renato Mancuso, Associate Professor at Boston University, for introducing me to several talented PhD graduates. We are exploring potential collaborations with SYSGO on the “Cloud-Edge Continuum” within the IPCEI-CIS program and other EU initiatives like LoLiPoP-IoT.

Keynote Details: Safety-Critical Cloud Applications

Presentation Topics:

  • Speaker / SYSGO Short Introduction:
  • Introducing SYSGO and our mission to embed innovation in Safety-critical systems
  • PikeOS / ELinOS Introduction:
  • Highlighting the capabilities and benefits of PikeOS and ELinOS in real-time operating systems
  • SIL4 CLOUD - Digitale Schiene Deutschland:
  • Discussing our involvement in the Digital Rail for Germany initiative
  • Cloud Solutions - SYSGO in IPCEI-CIS Program:
  • Presenting our Cloud solutions within the Important Projects of Common European Interest on Cloud Infrastructure and Services.
  • Safe Secure Smart Cloud Gateway -  From Concept to Product:
  • Demonstrating the journey from concept to product development of our safe, secure, and smart Cloud gateway.

Addressing Key Challenges

In the domain of Cloud and Edge Computing, RTOSs offer robust, efficient, and secure solutions. While Cloud Computing provides scalable resources, it introduces latency and Security challenges. Edge Computing, processing data closer to the source, addresses these concerns but faces issues related to consistency, reliability, and connectivity across distributed nodes. RTOSs play a pivotal role in balancing resource limitations with high performance and Security, essential in domains such as autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and Safety-critical infrastructure.

Final Thoughts

Lille is a beautiful city, and it provided a perfect backdrop for this enlightening event. The discussions and presentations at ECRTS 2024 have expanded our understanding of the challenges and innovations in real-time cloud systems, paving the way for future advancements in this critical field.

We look forward to continuing these discussions and collaborations as we work towards a safer, more secure, and smarter Cloud Computing landscape.

IPCEI Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services: Learn more

About RT-Cloud 2024

The 3rd International Workshop on Real-Time Cloud Systems (RT-Cloud) focused on industrial cloud use cases, emphasizing the need for deterministic behavior in cloud and edge computing for real-time and Safety-critical applications. The workshop featured a rich agenda, including short and full papers, demos, and tutorials, with a particular focus on open-source projects and experimental reports, including negative experiences.